Firstly banting is a low carbohydrate with no grains, no fruit, no dairy and lots of anima fat.  Because the diet is high in animal fat, holsum, lard, butter, cream, it is high in saturated fat which will lead to increase in bad cholesterol.  The low carbohydrates mean low serotonin levels which affects mood, people on banting tend to be moody.

With the above information banting only works for short period of time, and afterwards an individual will relapse and regain double the weight lost. Therefore the diet is not effective.

Keitumetse Ingrid Makuku - Dietitian

Fruit has the smallest amount of added sugar as compared to sodas. Therefore avoiding fruits will also mean depriving oneself of the vitamins in fruits, the antioxidants which are beneficial to health. Eat at least 3-5 portions of fruits in a day.

Keitumetse Ingrid Makuku - Dietitian

Brown sugar is simply sugar that has molasses which is what gives it that brown color and flavor, white sugar on the other hand is refined.  One teaspoon of brown sugar is 17.5calories whereas 1 teaspoon of white sugar is 16.3 calories.  This means that there I no significant difference, hence diabetics should not use neither.

Keitumetse Ingrid Makuku - Dietitian

Lemon is high in vitamin C, and had fibre and has more water.  When you add lemon to your water, it will I you up and make you eat less portions of meals, hence lose weight, that is how one loses weight after taking lemon every day.

Keitumetse Ingrid Makuku - Dietitian